Hair Story, Good One

  A fire in the stove to keep us warm.


I had some pretty good material on hand for the post today and then Pilgrim Farmer John commented in with a killer hair story.  More specifically a chemo hair story which is where we left off yesterday.  Something like hair today gone tomorrow.


“Jon I. was the very first friend I made (and I mean that explicitly; as I identified him as someone I wanted to be my friend) in Officer Candidate School at Quantico. We went through that “rigorous” training together helping and encouraging each other all the way. We stayed “tight” all through the 6 months of The Basic School and then parted ways as he went off to flight school and I went to Camp LeJeune to become a Combat Engineer Officer. Our friendship was totally cemented in those 9 months of “togetherness”, and would remain so for the rest of our lives. Jon’s wife was Marcia, and she was a spitfire of a woman and brought her own electrical storm with her wherever she was; the proverbial “fiery redhead” with a gorgeous head of curly hair. When she started her chemo treatments, that beautiful mane was the first thing to go. Our mutual buddy, Ken Brust (your Vashon Camino amigo) and I planned a trip out West to see her and each of us got a total head shave to surprise her with on our arrival. She laughed and cried and cried and laughed and loved us even more than any of us thought possible. One of my best memories of all time. It is up to Ken and I to remember those moments now as Jon has slipped into that innocent fog of Alzheimer’s. There may be no explanation for beauty, but we know it takes many forms.



Love, Felipe.




2 thoughts on “Hair Story, Good One”

  1. Tears!!! But what a preciously delicious story I will savor for a long time!!! Another story for a film…

    Your “Handler”

    1. Carol ~ another film? I’m worn out from the last one! To the best of the handlers, Felipe.x

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