Fall Colors


Sumac beginning it's Fall colors.
Sumac beginning it’s Fall colors.


Fall is such a great season.  I know that some folks are lamenting the end of the Summer.  It is special for sure but I’ve always enjoyed Fall the best.  Something about the clarity of the air and nature’s fireworks show of the hardwood leaves.  Of course there is the adventure of hunting season.

I’m at the hospital now for my treatment.  But on the way I have a Fall thing to report.  The filbert nuts and it’s wild version the hazelnuts are ripe now and the crows are having a field day.  They fly the nuts to the roads and put them down so that the cars and trucks crack them.  Works slick.  And they don’t just put them anywhere on the road but just in the track where the tires roll.  Amazing example of animals using tools.

OK, so yesterday we reached our goal at the Indiegogo site.  Way to go everyone!  That felt good believe me.  It is so gratifying to have all those folks out there supporting our effort.

I Skyped with Gracie this AM and will try to get back to her as soon as I am done here.  I had to give up on frying bacon and Skyping this morning as too hard.  I learned that it is going to be her first Halloween ever as the Aussies don’t celebrate it down under there.  She was showing me her skeleton costume which only cost five quid.  Maybe I will finally find out what a quid is.

OK, time to go for today.  It’s been great being with you.  Love, Phil.