
Looking Around the Corner. Tapestry by William Morris.
(captured on FaceBook)

We are moving through the last days of 2020 and doesn’t that sound good? Someone had a little post up on FaceBook recently that thought that 2020 would be a meaningful word like 10-4 was. One guy would say, “How’s it going?” And the other guy would answer, “Oh man, had a terrible week, a real 2020!” I think it will mean not only bad but bad stretched out over time.

Well, we experienced it and not that it will be over January 1st but the corner has definitely been turned. The solstice was here and we will soon see a difference in light and then later a difference in heat. And as that happens we will dig out from under this year that has collapsed on our heads. It won’t be easy and it will take time but I see a new appreciation being had for each other. We won’t be able to take the presence of another for granted. Just having them near will seem like a miracle. That’s my prayer.

OK, I am off to complete our sausage making marathon. We should be able to finish up this morning, hopefully.

hopefully loves, Felipé.