Celebration of human life

Celebration of life (Art by Michael Pederson; source internet)


Dear Caminoheads,


One of the most important things that the Camino gave me was the opportunity to be who I am. In the Camino, there was no need to play any role, people weren’t relating to me for the office I worked in, the tittles I had, the car I drove, the size of my house, the neighborhood I lived, the clothes I wore, etc… And the opposite was also true: I was relating to the others for who they were because in a way, my lack of experience regarding “the outdoors” wouldn’t even allow me to tell if the brand of clothes they might be wearing were expensive or not.


And in my first Camino, while I was not muted, I walked a lot in silence, with others, but mostly not talking much. I wasn’t really asking questions about “what do you do for a living?”, I guess I was more interested in listening to the answers of the “what are you doing in the Camino?” question.


And the answer, in most of the occasions, told or explained in as many ways as pilgrims were, for the most part was that they were trying to find themselves. Like I was. Trying to find who we are behind the roles we play and the things we own (or not fully!) but we believe tell who we are.


And it was great. We are just humans living this life. We are pretty delicate as much as we are a weed. And while we might look like that we are “one of the crowd”, we actually deserve an award for being who we are. That is the hardest of the things.


Award winning loves,




One thought on “Celebration of human life”

  1. So true Cris, all the ways we judge like us, or different from us were completely absent while walking, because we were all walking, therefore we were all alike; sharing one common identity – Pilgrims, one common destination – Santiago. It’s such a perfect metaphor for life, yet so hard to remember in the face of so much ideological divisiveness – at least here in the states. Still, it’s worth remembering. Thank you.

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