Cancer, It Changes Everything

Animating each other!


I was just merrily crusing through my morning when I got this notification that one of my associate’s wives has been diagnosed with colon cancer.  They are in that early stage of recognition.  It was a crazy whirlwind for me back five and some years ago.   Prayers for Shawn and Anna please.

I am just overwhelmed with thoughts of my own experience of all that.  It is and it becomes a whole world overnight.  It is something totally outside of your thoughts for your particular precious future.  I say precious lovingly.  All of a sudden someone else or something else is driving your bus.  Things that seemed rock solid become molten and move around or become fuzzy and lost in a fog.

I know that we don’t talk about cancer often but it is part of this blog: Cancer, Catholicism and Camino are our center around which we revolve.  Cancer is hard to talk about or maybe most don’t want to hear about it.  But it becomes a big reality for many of us and that happens like the blitzkrieg.  So we are still talking about it.

Thoughts on cancer are woven into the three years of this blog, sort of imbedded.  It would be hard to pull them out if you just wanted that separate from the other two.  But maybe that is the point. Maybe my relative success has been because I embrace it and keep it close to the other two.

Well, it is all part of the big picture somehow.  99% of us must deal with the big picture at some point in our lives and we get drug kicking and screaming into it by some cause.  This cancer that we curse and battle against is underneath it all that a catalyst for change.  Working with that idea is the art of this whole deal.

OK, off to walk Phil’s Camino.   I will be thinking more about this as I go I will guarantee you.  I will say a rosary for Our Shawn and Anna.  You are the best, love as always, Felipe.

P.S. – this is one of my better posts.  Thanks for being here.



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