
Rose window along the trail.
Rose window along the trail.


Hi.  What if we continue on with what we were talking about yesterday.  And as Kelly would  say, “Let’s review.”  I don’t know how many times he used this on me as I am  a slow learner apparently.   So, I was telling you the genesis of the name Caminoheads and how that got started.

Next hopefully will come a defination.  How about: a person that has walked the Camino de Santiago or wants to or is interested in it?  That’s a good start.  OK, I have thinking about this particular topic for a while now and it just occurred to me to do something unorthodox.   I am going to jump ahead and go for the jugular on this and say, at the farthest reaches of my thinking, that a Caminohead is someone that has a longing for God and has been attracted to the Camino because of it.

And look,  in between those two ends we can conviently fit all sorts of folks with all sorts of ideas, thoughts and motivations.  The last thing that we need is an exclusive club, right?  This has to be a club where the readers come together and learn from each other, support each other and celebrate each other.

Well, we made vast progress.   Maybe we can gather a few more ideas and then tomorrow boil this down to something workable.  I have a walking date in a few minutes and need to go for now.  How about tomorrow?  Love, Phil.

Phil’s Camino walking schedule:

Mondays 9 – 10

Friday 9 – 10

Sunday 10 – 11