By Hook Or By Crook


Felipe, Annie and Father Tom.
Felipe, Annie and Father Tom.

OK, one way or another I am getting this post written and out this AM.  I am here in the big city and working With the San Francisco Documentary Festival or Doc Fest.  We had a great showing on Saturday and a great Q and A afterward.

So, I am traveling with two remarkable people, Annie O’Neil and Father Tom Hall.  Yesterday morning Padre Tomas served two Masses at Old Mary’s Cathedral were we are staying at the rectory.  The Mass that we choose was one in Cantonese which was very lovely and exotic to our ears.  Afterward we hiked up hill to the Episcopalian Grace Cathedral to see that.  We walked the beautiful labyrinth outdoors there and I got the T -shirt, as they say.  This was my first labyrinth attempt and it went swimmingly with Annie and the Padre giving me pointers.  Then there was a very heavy duty organ concert which I tried to get into but it was just too heavy duty I guess.  I had to make a break for the outdoors.

So last night the Padre and I were up talking till past midnight.  Priceless stuff was exchanged and knotty problems talked about and pushed further down the road to resolution.  Again, how come I am so fortunate to get this kind of quality coaching?  Just knowing that I am so extremely lucky to be walking this road at this time.  Alperfect situation.

So, we are having breakfast here at the rectory.  One of the Padre’s priest friend invited us to his table.  That’s a few minutes off.  Then we are off on the BART, a subway to Berkley.  Catalina, our friend who was just up on Vashon visiting is throwing a brunch for us.  So, we get to see her and James’s new digs there.

Then tonight at 1900 there is a showing of the “Cool Old Guys” group of films.  Let me mention some of the characters in this group: a French beekeeper, a bail bondsman, a body builder who developed MS,  a boxing coach, a second hand store collector and man who is a star roller skater and runs a church/roller rink called Church Of the Eight Wheels.  Yea, see all pretty cool.

Well, I think that I brought you up to date with the happenings here.  Will be flying out tomorrow morn and be walking at 1600 at Phil’s Camino, seamless.  So will catch you here or catch you there.  Cool old love, Felipe.x







One thought on “By Hook Or By Crook”

  1. God is good! So good. You are surrounded by earthly Angels; your own wings barely concealed ‘neath your faded denims shirt. See you when you get home.

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