Back From The Big City


Appointment day at the Institute today. Dr Gold gave me a big thumbs up with my numbers looking good. I am good to go for another three weeks. Three weeks an eternity these days.

And author and pilgrim Debra Jarvis checked in today after her walk across Spain. She was here for one day of our Veranda and then flew off and now is back. So I did a debriefing on her. She is having a bad case of reentry. And I had to reassure her that that was a good thing.

We know now that if you come back with no problems you really didn’t experience anything out of the ordinary, right? It just has to be a jolt to come back. How to deal with that is the question. She has been doing some writing on the topic. Maybe I can get a hold of some of that for us here.

Well, it is the evening now and I am falling asleep while I am trying to work on this. Have to go, more tomorrow.

almost Thursday loves, Felipé.