Ah, Saturday

Dramatic sky last evening.
( photo P Volker)

So glad that it is Saturday. It is a relief after the grief of Good Friday. A sort of rest or pause where the whole turnaround, the whole 180 degree shift brews in the darkness. I can’t see it but I can hear it bubbling in the shadows.

There is a notion, a notion that Jesus ministered to the dead on this day. The Bible isn’t specific on this but I like to believe it and I think about it all year. In other words Jesus preached to all those countless people who died before he came to earth who had not heard the salvation message. Now they could be saved. This is only a notion but it seems to fit with a merciful God. I like the way I can have this rattle around in my brain on the other 364 days of the year. It’s warm and fuzzy when I need it.

Just wanted to mention a movie that My Rebecca and I watched a couple of nights ago. It is titled The Green Book or maybe just Green Book. It was a free one which is what we have been doing as a hobby lately.
It is a little bit of a dig but there are quality films for free out there. Anyway it is basically a pilgrimage that this pair of people find themselves on, a highly unlikely pairing for the times. We really enjoyed it and we think about it afterward, a sign of a good film in my book. It’s ultimately warm and fuzzy after their long hard road.

OK, have to go. Blue sky calls me.

blessed Holy Saturday loves, Felipé.