This a blog post that I wrote Sunday and had trouble publishing but here it is for you now: Today , Sunday, was the day that Reverend Bonnie Barnard showed up at our little community church to talk about a big topic. She spoke on forgiveness and we wound up praying for our enemies in the end. This is stuff that we hear about and sometimes talk about by seldom put into practice. But we were gettin it done today!
The pics are a little idea of what went on. It was a hot day and we could have been

been in an old time revival tent but we were in our little community church. The message was big worthy of a bigger crowd. I’m gnawing away at the edges of it in my mind.
After the service Reverand Bonnie took off and a bunch of us walked a short distance to the yacht club to tour a historic boat, the Lotus, that was in the harbor for the weekend. So check out the pics to give you a rough idea of what went on. See you tomorrow, love, Felipe.