A Thursday

We had a massive amount of pilgrims on our walk today. Annie was here and Kelly. Then Tim and Cathy came. Jen was here. As well as Gus an old friend.

Now they have all gone on their ways. I am resting up. Archery lesson soon. Time to go.

pilgrim weather loves, Felipé.

8 thoughts on “A Thursday”

  1. Thanks to you and Rebecca for graciously hosting all of us pilgrims! You have blessed us and continue to bless us.

  2. Archery lessons sound good. I hope your time with the students hits the target for you and for them. Enjoy it!

  3. Walking Phil’s Camino is always a joy! It was lovely that there were a bunch of us pilgrims, wasn’t it? I will bring everyone along as I walk my Camino in Griffith Park in LA. Susan is right: You have blessed us and continue to bless us! Thank you! <3

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