We had some thunder and and half inch of rain last afternoon and evening. Now it is sunny. I walked this morning and enjoyed the peacefulness. It ‘s like boredom at the emergency room, that would be a good thing.
I’ m mailing off some packages to Spain. My three Angels from the Camino will soon all be living there, one in Barcelona and two in Madrid. So I sent them some Northwest Catholic Magazines with yours truly on the cover and the maps of Phil’s Camin

Just recently received a copy of a little book that eight of us Camino walkers wrote, a chapter apiece. Laura from Barcelona was the orchestrator of that. It is entitled Hotel California. That was fun.
Kelly is back from Spain or will be shortly. It is always fun to see him and he will be bringing news. I’ll get you the report on that.
Rebecca and I get to do something really fun this afternoon. We got invited along with a small group to play at a famous artist’s studio here on Vashon. Jennifer set this all up for us. We get three hours there to get creative. Will fill you in on that tomorrow.
Yes, an uneventful morning has just passed but sometimes that is so enjoyable. Take care where you are, love, Felipe.