A New Personality

Phil’s Camino marker, taken by Rho.


Just when we were so engrossed with our talk of illness and wellness who should show up but Lauren Lane Powell author of Holy Shift!  Everything Is A Gift – A Spirit –  Lead Journey through Illness to Wellness.  She came to walk Phil’s Camino yesterday.   My Rebecca met her at the national gathering of the Threshhold Choir this summer.

She had a lot to say and it felt like her visit was way too short.  But I will read her book soon and we will talk about it.  She is an extremely positive individual that has this very fun filled response to her cancer journey.  In other words she is having fun with it.

Back to the wedding topic, today is the last day before the event.  All the rental stuff, tents and chairs, are showing up today so we will be playing with that.   So, this is all on my mind leaving little left over for much else.  So the blog is going to be a little thin here for a while.

Yup, so I hope every little thing is well where you are.  Here we go!  Love, Felipe.


4 thoughts on “A New Personality”

  1. Congratulations to the bride and groom and their parents! I will be thinking of you tomorrow and beyond!



    1. Jean ~ thanks. Right now it is all stringing lights and sorting tablecloths and that sort of stuff but we will eventually run out of time and go with what we got. It’s just all good. Will pass on the best wishes, Felipe.x

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