(photo P Volker)
Extreme low lying dense fog here this morning. Visibility is less than a hundred yards. Sound is muffled. It brings a sense of isolation to the immediate area that smothers but ultimately it is not permanent as the sun will “burn” it away from above as the morning progresses. Somehow the ability to keep in mind that the present situation is not permanent is an important skill to have in these times.
So many factors are alive today that want to separate and isolate us. It is the worst ever. It will take some real doing to dig deep within ourselves to keep things in equilibrium during these trying times. And of course reaching out to God to pray for strength is always a winning idea. But the notion that the situation is ultimately temporary will go a long way to help us out too. “This too shall pass” is the archetypal statement of this sentiment. We are with you on that!
This is a rough stretch of the trail right here if we put it in our Caminothink. As Caminoheads we should readily be able to do that, no problem. One hour you are happily walking on Astroturf and the next you are slipping and sliding on a rocky downhill. One hour it is easy peasy and the next it is concerning. Back and forth it changes, hour by hour, minute by minute, mile by mile, foot by foot. We know this drill!
Off to walk in the fog momentarily. Great morning to see a cougar or Bigfoot or maybe even the old alien spacecraft. Anything to break the spell!
breaking the spell loves,